• ALSANCAKLI Sacha et BOCKHOLT Philip | « Texts as Living Objects: Revisiting Dhayls as a Means for the Study of Knowledge Transmission in the Pre-Modern Islamic World », international conference, November 22-24, Paris | 2023
  • DE CASTILLA Nuria | International Conference : "The pen, the page and the book. Comparative Studies in Manuscript Cultures" October, 19-22, the Escorial, Spain | 2022
  • HAASE Claus-Peter, BECKER Andrea and KÜHN Miriam | Symposium in Memory of Michael Meinecke (6.11.1941 – 10.1.1995), Berlin | 2021
  • Maxime DUROCHER and Sorbonne University | Conference Le patrimoine islamique à travers les archives scientifiques : nouvelles perspectives en histoire de l’art et archéologie des pays d’Islam, Paris, October 3-4th | 2019
  • Pierre DUCREY and Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres | Conference Henri Seyrig, 1895-1973, October 10-11th, Paris | 2013
  • Biblioteca Viva de al-Andalus, Fundacion Paradigma, Cordoba | Photo exhibition from the Max van Berchem Foundation | 2013
  • UNIVERSITE DE GENEVE and Institut d'Architecture | Exbition and conference on Henri Stierlin, April-June | 2005
  • SEARS Stuart | Catalogue of Muslim drahms | 2003-2004
  • VYCICHL Werner | In Memoriam | 1999
  • IDEO (Institut Dominicain d'Etudes Orientales du Caire) | Library | 1993
  • UNIVERSITY OF AMMAN (Jordan) | Photo exhibition from the Max van Berchem Foundation | 1985